
This is where we left off last Thursday.


And this is today.


Front porch ceiling is all built. There is the paint prep left and the actual painting to be done, but for now the ceiling is primed and can handle weather for a while so we’re not exactly going to jump to it considering the guest room (breathe… breathe…) is still awaiting attention in preparation for its guest in … 3.5 weeks!

Is good.

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4 Responses to Built!

  1. Cecilia says:

    Jättefint =)

    Det blir nog klart ska du se. 3,5 veckor är ju eoner av tid. Jag lovar. Andas. *fortsätter att hålla handen ett tag till*

  2. mamma says:

    Mycket snyggt! De har gjort ett bra jobb. Snart kan ni bocka av taket från listan.
    Låt gästen måla!

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